Business Sale

Business for Sale

Nighthawk Transport



SOLD - May 2024

Business Overview

Approaching 40 years of trade with an extensive fleet of over 150 vehicles including prime movers, trailers and other vehicles, the business operates with a management structure, is highly profitable and is experiencing strong growth.

The dominant provider in its region… Nightly services between major centres.  The principal service provider for many remote communities. Refrigerated transport. General freight. And specialist freight services include everything from parcels, mail, and pathology deliveries to lick block & hay cartage.
Whatever needs to be moved, it has it covered.

Features of the business include:
- The huge fleet of over 150 vehicles includes 18 prime movers, trailers, body, tilt tray and flat tray trucks, vans and utes
- A full complement of experienced and loyal drivers, yardmen and managers operating three depots
- Highly profitable, and
- Enormous growth prospects.

With a client base including mining companies, oil and gas businesses, Department of Defence, Pastoral, agricultural companies and civil construction companies, this business is well-placed to benefit from the numerous multi-billion dollar projects underway in Regional Northern Australia. So its growth prospects are boundless.
Territory Business Sales NT - Licensed Agent AL1041 – 19 Smith Street Darwin NT

Andrew Hahn

Turn your dream of owning your own business into reality

Call Andrew Hahn today on 08 8941 3000 or email for a full information pack on how you can become the new proud owner of this outstanding business.

Licenced Agent AL1041

19 Smith Street, Darwin NT 0800

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